Offers the most advanced tools for greek and hebrew studies. Thousands of resources available for all audiences. This is the most popular high-end software on the market. ** Logos Bible Software - Producer of the Libronix digital library. ** eBible library - A resource library from Nelson publishers for the Libronix digital libray (Logos, see below). ** BibleWorks - For a long time the most recommended sofware for greek and hebrew studies One windows version is available with the same name. Several front end programs are available for Windows, Linux, Mac and PDA's. The project itself is actually not a program, but a programming environment as well as a resource database.

** The SWORD Project - Comprehensive open source multi-lingual Bible project. ** SwordBible - Simple bible reading software for windows. Wescott-Hort greek with Robinson morphology, WLC hebrew text with wovels but no morphology tags. ** E-Sword - The most popular free Bible software. CD with several modules can be purchased for nominal fee. Light version can be downloaded for free. ** BiblePRO - Uses an interface that reminds of a programming IDE. ** Bible Explorer - Partly free, light version of WORDsearch. ** Bible Analyzer - A comprehensive Bible study and analysis application.

At this point we saw the emergence of Bible software programs, some of which are still around today. When working with the original biblical languages, one of the first capabilities to be added was morphology (often called parsing), information concerning the forms of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and other words (many of these parts of speech assume different forms in different contexts). Later as computers improved in their ability to handle foreign language fonts, the original Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) texts of the Bible were added. So the first Bible programs were little more than basic electronic concordances, useful for finding where certain words were located (at first in the King James Bible, then other translations were added).

The initial advantage computers had over printed Bible study tools and materials was speed.they could search large amounts of text relatively quickly. It did not take long after computers became "personal" (early 1980s) for people to start using them for Bible study. Bible software may include one or more bible texts. Bible software is software which provides access to the texts of the Bible with facilities to aid research and study such as searches, cross references, integrated dictionaries and commentaries.